
2017/05/19 04:24:53文/网编3



1.荒谬的; 荒诞的; 怪诞不经的 completely ridiculous; not logical and sensible; against reason or common sense; clearly false or foolish

2.荒诞派的 deliberately emphasizing what is silly or stupid about people and society


1.absurd的基本意思是指某事物与公众的想法、常识或道理不一致,即“荒谬的; 荒唐的; 愚蠢得可笑的; 怪诞不经的”,可用于具体的人及其言语行为,也可用于非个人的想法或方案。在艺术领域里absurd可指“荒诞派的”。




5.absurd前加定冠词the可用作名词,意思是“荒诞的事物; 悖理的东西”。



absurd idea 荒唐的想法

absurd mistake 可笑的错误

absurd opinion 荒谬的观点

absurd reasoning 不合理的推论

absurd suggestion 荒谬的建议

absurd theatre 荒诞派戏剧

absurd theory 谬论


absolutely absurd 荒谬绝伦

highly absurd 极其荒唐

monstrously absurd 极为荒唐

nakedly absurd 露骨的无理

patently absurd 显然荒唐

quite absurd 十分荒唐

ridiculously absurd 荒唐可笑

too absurd 太荒唐

totally absurd 全然荒唐

tragically absurd 愚蠢得可悲

unreasonably absurd 荒谬无理

utterly absurd 荒谬透顶




That's an absurd idea!这主意太荒谬了。

Of course it's not true, what an absurd idea. 那当然不合乎事实,这个想法太荒唐了!

What an absurd thing to say! 这话多荒谬啊!

Even sensible men do absurd things. 即使是有理智的人,也会干出荒唐事来。

He made an absurd comment about taxes being too low.他发表了荒谬的看法,说税率太低了。

It's an absurd situation—neither of them will talk to the other. 那真是一个可笑的场面——他们谁都不愿与对方讲话。

She has a wonderfully absurd sense of humor.她极具荒诞派的幽默感。

She makes the most absurd claims about her past achievements.她所声称的自己以往的成就荒唐至极。

Jack goes to absurd lengths to prove his point.杰克竭力想要证明自己的观点。

The clown wore a monstrously absurd costume.小丑穿的衣服可笑极了。



Don't be absurd—you're just worrying about nothing.别犯傻了,你不过是在瞎操心。

Don't be so absurd! Of course I want you to come. 别犯傻!我当然希望你来。

Your claim is quite absurd. 你的要求很不合理。

Your suggestion is quite highly absurd.你的建议极为荒唐。

What could be more absurd than that 有什么比它更荒谬呢

That uniform makes the guards look absurd. 警卫们穿着那种制服看起来怪模怪样的。

He looks absurd in that hat! 他戴着那顶帽子看起来真可笑!

You look absurd in your wife's hat.你戴上你太太的帽子看起来真可笑。

He looked absurd in those old-fashioned trousers. 他穿着过时的长裤,看上去很可笑。

His explanation was absurd in theory.在理论上,他的解释是荒谬的。

It is/was+~+(of sb) to-v

It is absurd to try to persuade them.试图说服他们是愚蠢的。

It was completely absurd to expect us to finish by Friday. 指望我们在星期五之前完成,真是太荒谬了。

It's absurd to believe that the earth is flat. 认为地球是扁平的看法是荒谬的。

It is ridiculously absurd to believe that the number 13 is unlucky.相信数字13是个不吉祥的数字是荒唐可笑的。

It's completely absurd to suggest that we shouldn't test students.建议我们不要给学生做测试,真是太荒谬了。

It is absurd to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.预言明天太阳不会升起是荒唐可笑的。

It's patently absurd not to wear a coat in such cold weather.这么冷的天气不穿外衣,显然很荒唐。

It seemed absurd to try to carry a twenty-five-pound camera about.带着一架25磅重的照相机到处跑似乎有点可笑。

It was absurd of you to do such a thing.你做那样的事是愚蠢的。

It was absurd of you to suggest such a thing.你居然提出这么个建议,真荒唐!

It is/was+~+that-clause

It is absurd and ridiculous that he should behave so.他竟然做了那种举动,真是荒唐可笑。

It is absurd that they (should) deny my request.他们拒绝我的要求真荒唐。

It is patently absurd that we have to get up so early.我们得这么早起床显然很荒唐。



Don't you think it absurd你不认为那荒唐可笑吗


He has a good sense of the absurd. 他对荒诞事物有较强的识别能力。


absurd, foolish, fatuous, ridiculous, silly, stupid

这组词都有“愚蠢,荒唐,可笑”的意思。其区别是:absurd指因为不符合常理或人情而令人觉得荒唐可笑; ridiculous指因为不符合常理或人情而引起别人的讥笑或鄙视; foolish侧重“愚蠢”,多用来指人,也可以指行为,多指因为缺乏智慧或判断力而造成; silly多用于口语,比foolish语气重,指极端的和明显的“愚蠢”,有令人觉得“糊涂”的含意,有时也可以指“傻气; 憨; 不懂事”,指行为、言语等时有“无聊的; 无意义的”含意; stupid强调“愚笨”,常指由于智力低下或其他原因而引起,往往含有“呆滞麻木”的含意,具有较强的贬义,有时也可指事物的“无聊; 乏味”; fatuous含有愚蠢盲目但自我感觉良好以致达到无法认清自己的地步的意思。


[派生词]absurdity n. 荒谬; 不合理; 荒谬的言语或行为‖absurdly adv. 荒谬地

[同义词]comical, crazy, foolish, funny, illogical, irrational, laughable, meaningless, nonsensical, preposterous, ridiculous, senseless, silly, stupid, unreasonable, wild

[反义词]intelligent, logical, reasonable, sensible, smart, wise


学分网小编提示:以上是2017年高考英语必备高频单词:absurd,2017高考英语高频词解析:absurd,2017高考英语必背单词:absurd。学分网所提供的所有考试信息仅供考生及家长参考,敬请考生及家长以 权威部门公布的正式信息为准。






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