
格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-12-22 14:04:32
时间:2022-12-22 14:04:32     小编:zdfb



xinyang city is located in the south of henan province. the total area isabout 18293 square kilometers, accounting for 11% of the province's total area,and the population is about 7.7 million. during the period of the new democraticrevolution, it was the center of the red region of hubei, henan and anhui, thesecond revolutionary base in china, and made great contributions to the chineserevolution.

xinyang area is adjacent to dabie mountain in the south and tongbaimountain in the southwest. the dabie mountains extend from east to west, forminga watershed between the yangtze river and the huaihe river. here, reservoirs,ponds, weirs, scattered, wide water area, rich aquatic biological resources,high fishery yield. the main food crops are rice and wheat. therefore, xinyangis known as the "land of fish and rice" in henan province.

xinyang is located in the transition zone between subtropical zone and warmtemperate zone, with mild climate and four distinct seasons. xinyang is rich invarious resources. xinyang maojian, one of the top ten famous teas in china, isfamous for its beautiful shape, green color, high fragrance and strong taste;there are non-metallic minerals perlite and bentonite with the first reservesand quality in china; there are ginkgo resources with the first output in recent years, xinyang's industry has developed by leaps and bounds, and hasformed an industrial system dominated by electric power, textile, buildingmaterials, chemical industry, machinery, food, medicine, etc.

well, i'll give you a brief introduction to the basic situation of xinyangcity. now let's start to visit today's first scenic spot - jigong mountain.

jigong mountain, formerly known as jichi mountain, is located 38 kilometerssouth of xinyang city. the main peak, 784 meters above sea level, looks like arooster's neck to announce the dawn, so it is called baoxiaofeng. on both sidesof the main peak are the winding linghua mountain and the winding changlingmountain, just like the wings of a rooster. the whole image is like a roosterstanding among the mountains with his head high and wings high, which isparticularly spectacular, so it is named jigong mountain.

jigong mountain is a national key scenic spot. in may 1988, the statecouncil listed jigong mountain as a national forest and wildlife nature is one of the famous summer resorts in china, and has been well-known both athome and abroad as early as the beginning of this century. it is a naturalscenic area composed of strange peaks and rocks, cloud sea and fog tide, springstream waterfall, trees and flowers, villa and many other landscapes.

jigong mountain, located between dabie mountain and tongbai mountain, is atransition zone from subtropical zone to warm temperate zone with abundantrainfall and humid climate. the annual rainfall is 1346.9 mm and the averageannual temperature is 12 ℃. in summer, the climate is cool and pleasant, with anaverage temperature of 23.7 ℃ and a maximum temperature of 32 ℃. in summer,afternoon is like autumn and night is like early winter. it has a goodreputation of "people dying in the heat of the dog days, and people suspectingimmortals in the cool days".

the sea of clouds in jigong mountain is also spectacular, with thereputation of "cloud park". jigong mountain is dotted with springs, which iscalled "ten springs and nine waterfalls". beside the lotus pool on the top ofthe mountain, there is "baojian spring", which is the top of the mountainsprings. there are "puji spring" in the south street, "longkou spring" at thecage entrance, "ganquan" at the two gates, "jigong spring" and "xiaoxia spring".there are more than 20 waterfalls in jigong mountain. except xiangshuitangwaterfall in the west, the rest are distributed in donggou, so it is calleddonggou waterfall group.

jigong mountain was first developed in ming dynasty. in 1903, americanmissionaries dilin li lisheng and shi doug and their party climbed mountains forsummer vacation. later, they publicized in western newspapers and praised jigongmountain for its "deep and secluded mountain path, sweet spring, fresh climateand suitable for summer vacation". as a result, pastors, missionaries, wealthybusinessmen and chinese bureaucrats and warlords from more than 20 countrieshave flocked to build more than 500 villas of chinese and western styles. "thereis a new world in taoyuan, and nine flags flying in ten winds" is the trueportrayal of that time. after several wars and natural damages, there are now212 buildings. some people regard jigongshan villas as "world architectureexpo".

well, we have come to the foot of jigong mountain now. please follow me toclimb the mountain. there are two ways to climb jigong mountain: one is theancient plank road for climbing, which people can climb up; the other is thewinding mountain road built in 1963, which can be used for riding up themountain. today, we choose to climb the mountain on foot. we can get to the topof the mountain by walking 4 kilometers. although we will be tired, the sceneryalong the way is very beautiful, which makes you feel worthwhile.

climbing plank road is the main access to the central tourist area on themountain. the main scenic spots are baibuti, zhongtianmen, niuerzhai, eightcharacter stone carvings, five strange stones, erdaomen, ganquan, doushiya, cagemouth, etc.

now we are going to climb a hundred steps ladder, with a total of more than400 steps. please be prepared. i'll lead you on a hike. after a hundred steps,it's zhongtian gate. zhongtian gate, also known as a gate, is the first hill onthe ancient mountain road. originally, there was no door here. it was built bythe nature reserve administration in 1990 for tourists to rest. on the hillsideson both sides of a gate, there are winding stone walled walled villages andgates, which are shaped like cow's ears. people call it "cow's ears village". itis said that it was the place where the peasants revolted and stationed troopsin the late tang dynasty. because of many wars in the ming and qing dynasties,the mountain people used to avoid the disaster of soldiers.

ok, please stop and look at this cliff stone carving, which is called"eight character stone carving" by local people. on this stone wall, there areeight big characters inscribed in the official script of "qing fen chu yu, qi qisong heng". each character is 50 cm square, two lines vertically, and two meterslong. it is inscribed by jie jue guang, the first public security director ofjigong mountain, in the 23rd year of the republic of china. chu yu generallyrefers to the south and the north, narrowly refers to hubei, henan, andsongheng, and refers to songshan, which vividly represents the geographicallocation and magnificent spirit of jigong mountain .

now, we are standing on the viewing platform. please look south. on theopposite ridge, there are jagged rocks, some like crawling turtles, some likejumping frogs, some like foraging boars, some like flying eagles, and some liketaoist worship. people call it the five grotesque rocks. it is said that thefive strange stones are the incarnations of five scholars who failed in theexamination. they heard that "the cock has a spirit and will respond to anyrequest", so they went up to the mountain to burn incense and appeal to the cockto protect his name on the list. jigong turned into a firewood collector. whenhe met one of the five people, he asked, "old man, is jigong alive?" one asked,"how far is it to the top of the mountain? i'm tired to death." some even saidsome rude words to the old man. jigong saw that they didn't study hard, theywere afraid of hardship and tiredness when they went up the mountain, they werejust a bag of rice and wine, and they were useless to the society, so he turnedthem into strange stones and left them on the way forever. he taught futuregenerations not to be afraid of hardship and hard struggle, and to become aperson who was beneficial to the society. only in this way can we have today's"five strange stones".


san xian shan is located in the northern end of the city of penglai, thereare more than 200 thousand tons of special rocks, and 3000 old trees. it is thenational 5a scenic spot.

first thing we can see the three hall, including the heqi hall, hehe halland heshun hall. there is a picture “yi tuan he qi”, which means keeping on goodterms, in the main hall.

san xian shan refers to three fairy mountains, penglai, wangzhang penglai mountain is modeled on "penglai fairyland map", spanidedinto six floors, which is dedicated to the " taoist chi hong ," avalokitesvara ,zhang daoling , wang chongyang , magu , the queen mother of the west and thejade emperor .

the fangzhang mountain mainly shows the united thoughts of confucianism,buddhism and taoism. the first group, dacheng hall, is dedicated to confucius ,showing confucian culture. the second group is dedicated to sanqing, showing thetaoism culture. the third group of the main hall, grand hal, is dedicated to thebuddha.

the ying chou wonderland major shows confucian culture. there is a set ofbells, the musical scale structure of which belongs to the same rhythm of modernc major. reclining buddha hall is dedicated to the town park treasure - theworld's largest sakyamuni buddha with ice- water species of white jade, carvedfrom a single piece of white water jade, 108 tons and 12.86 meters long,decorated by 24k gold and more than 3,000 pieces of red sapphire, emerald .

the 11-side avalokitesvara is made of burmese natural water jade, 260 tonsand 11meters high, decorated by 11990 pieces of precious stones.

the scenic spot further corresponding to san xian shan is ba xian guo hai,eight immortals crossing the sea.

the whole area is like magic gourd lying on the sea, three sides surroundedby the sea and one side connecting the land. taoist culture and scenic closelypenglai fairyland myth, the legend to the theme of the eight immortals , haschina's largest offshore rocks forest , the longest sea promenade, the highestmaritime pavilion .the words “ba xian guo hai kou” and “ren jian xian jing” onthe front and back of the first memorial arch are inscribed by su shi.

the words “yun wai xian du” on the second memorial arch is inscribed by thegreat calligrapher mifu. the words “ren jian xian jing” on the back is inscribedby the great calligrapher huang tingjian.

the two words “xian yuan” on xian yuan pavilion xianyuan is inscribed by lishimin, the emperor ti zong of the dang dynasty. the couplets beside the door isinscribed by mr. ou yang zhoushi.

the plaque of wang ying pavilion is written by the contemporary calligraphymaster mr. qi gong. there is a 1700-year old ancient tree of jujube, which isdoubtly the king of jujube. and there is a picture of qun xian zhu shou tu,which shows the queen mother entertaining the immortals fot her birthday of andholding the grand feast of peaches. the picture is composed of 1888 pieces ofemeralds , ivories and jades. ba xian temple is dedicated to the eight immortalscrossing the sea. the plaque is inscribed by contemporary calligrapher liubingsen..

bai xian altar is located in the northern end of scenic spot. thousandsyears ago, when the emperor shi huang of qin and the emperor wu di of han sailedto the east, seeking immortality of life, they specially set up the altar tohold a grand ceremony worshiping the immortals.


chairman mao memorial hall of dongming county is located in zhukou village,5 kilometers northeast of the county. it is adjacent to the yellow river flowingeastward in the north and the ridong expressway running through qilu in thesouth. it is another beautiful cultural landscape of dongming county, thehometown of zhuangzi.

1、 the whole process of construction

chairman mao memorial hall of dongming county was raised by she shicheng, avillager of zhukou village, chengguan town. it was built in 20__ and officiallycompleted in august 20__. why she shicheng devoted all of her resources to theconstruction of the chairman mao memorial? this is because she shicheng, who wasborn in shegang village, wusheng township in september 1944, lived in the oldsociety by begging and farming land for a large family in zhukou village. aftersuffering a lot, she moved to zhukou village. it was chairman mao who led thepeople to turn over and become the masters. from then on, he had land and liveda good life. after two social experiences, she shicheng deeply felt that withoutchairman mao, there would be no today. therefore, since his youth, he has alwaysthought of the party and chairman mao.

she shicheng studied carpentry in her early years and engaged inarchitecture. she is a famous expert in architecture. especially after the thirdplenary session of the 11th cpc central committee, he and many villagersgradually embarked on the road of becoming rich. with the development of societyand the great changes in people's lives, he realized more deeply that withoutthe foundation laid by chairman mao's overthrowing the three mountains, therewould be no happiness today. don't forget the well digger. gratitude is not onlythe unique traditional quality of the chinese people, but also the outstandingpersonality of she shicheng, a loyal peasant. therefore, how to rememberchairman mao and how to pass on the admiration for chairman mao from generationto generation has become a problem he often thinks about in his heart. afterdecades of deliberation, he decided to express his admiration for great men in atraditional way. in order to celebrate chairman mao's achievements and rememberthe kindness of great people, on february 16, 20__, he raised money everywhere,stripped off his house, made room for his own design, and built a mao pavilionon his homestead for the villagers to admire. then, he and villagers zhu faqistarted the activities of preparing for the construction of chairman mao'smemorial hall, and set up a preparation group with him as the main body and 10villagers as participants. she shicheng did her best to contribute her family'scapital. first, she contributed her contracted responsibility land of sevencents per mu. then she negotiated with the villagers overnight to exchangeanother piece of responsibility land of seven cents per mu for eight cents permu depression. she also borrowed money to compensate the other party for eightthousand yuan in cash. she planned to build a memorial base of three acres andfive cents per mu. he designed it himself, laid the foundation on august 1,20__, and completed it in one year. the main building area of the memorial hallis 220 square meters, with a height of 83.41 meters (symbolizing chairman mao'sdeath at the age of 83 and 41 years in power). the main hall is 49 meters high(symbolizing the founding of the people's republic of china in 1949). the fronteaves of the memorial hall is 71 cm (symbolizing the founding of the chinesecommunist party on july 1, 1999), and the second floor, third floor andcorridors on both sides. the total project cost is more than 710000 yuan. amongthem, she shicheng raised more than 460000 yuan, and the surrounding peopleraised about 250000 yuan. because of the construction of the memorial hall, theoriginal houses are all 0, and she shicheng and her two are still living in thetemporary shed in the southwest corner of the memorial hall. because of theresponsibility of the whole family, all the fields have been replaced by thebuilding base. there is no income, and life depends on one daughter and twosons.

after the completion of the memorial, it has become the only privatememorial tourist attraction in china. on december 17, 20__, mao xinyu, theeldest grandson of mao zedong, liu bin and his wife, mao ningke, the eldestgrandson of mao zemin, and mao xiaoqing, the granddaughter of mao zelian,cordially received comrade she shicheng at diaoyutai state guesthouse, and had acordial conversation with 18 chinese news media reporters.

2、 current situation and pattern

as soon as you walk into chairman mao's memorial hall, the first thing youcan see is the memorial pavilion renamed from the original "mao gong pavilion".there is a gold bronze statue of chairman mao more than one meter high inside,which is vivid and magnificent. in front of the pavilion, the five-star red flagflutters in the wind, surrounded by pines and cypresses, holly evergreen.

entering the exhibition hall, the most eye-catching one is the goldenfull-length bronze statue of mao zedong (2.83 meters high) created by the famouschinese art master mr. liu kaiqu and cast by hunan shaoshan xuritang bronzestatue casting co., ltd., standing in the center of the hall on the first floor,with the magnificent great wall behind it. when i came to the center of the hallon the second floor, i saw a golden bronze statue of chairman mao zedong infront of the large-scale painting "welcoming pine". the whole exhibition hall isspanided into nine exhibition areas: going out of the country, creating a newworld, agrarian revolution, anti japanese war, war of liberation, dream of apowerful country, looking to the world, feelings of poets and old age. on theleft and right corridors of the memorial hall are the abstract of the speechdelivered at the symposium commemorating chairman mao zedong's 110th birthday,the preface of the memorial hall and the banner of chairman mao's poems writtenby famous calligraphers. the layout is reasonable and magnificent.

3、 normal activity

after the completion of the memorial, people from all over the world cometo visit it every day. in particular, every year, on december 26, chairman maozedong's birthday, the memorial hall has held grand commemorative activities,which have been held four times in a row. the activities are presided over bythe management committee of chairman mao zedong's memorial hall, and large dramatroupes are invited to perform for 3-4 days. on the day of the activity, thelocal yangko team, huagu team, taiji team and martial arts team performed, whichwas very lively.

at each event, the surrounding people, just like the spring festival, cameearly to pay homage to chairman mao and cherish his great cause. the villagersin this village are in a continuous stream.


ladies and gentlemen

huangguoshu waterfall is 137 kilometers away from guiyang city, theprovincial capital. it is located on baishui river, a tributary of dabang river,which borders zhenning county and guanling county in western guizhou takes about an hour and a half to get to huangguoshu by bus from guiyang.

huangguoshu waterfall has arrived. you see, this is the most famouswaterfall in china.

huangguoshu waterfall is 68 meters high, and the upper waterfall is 6meters, with a total height of 74 meters and a width of 81 meters; due to thestrong impact of the current, the splashed water mist can diffuse for more thanhundreds of meters, so that the stockade and markets on the top of the cliff onthe left side of the waterfall are often covered by the splashed water rs call it silver rain sprinkling on golden street. when the water issmall in winter and spring, the waterfall will be spanided into three or fivestrands and hung down from the top of the bank. from a distance, the whitecurtain of water will float down like silk, fairy's face and lady's raccoon. forhundreds of years, the majestic appearance of huangguoshu waterfall has beenmarveled by many scholars. in qing dynasty, yan yinliang, a famous calligrapherin guizhou province and one of the three characters inscribed in the summerpalace, wrote a couplet in wangshui pavilion: white water is like cotton, and itdoesn't need a bow to bounce. the red glow is so beautiful that it is notnecessary to weave the sky. what's more, it vividly summarizes the magnificentscenery of huangguoshu waterfall.

now we come to rhinoceros pool, where the waterfall falls. this pool isnamed after the legend that there is a rhinoceros hidden under the water. no onehas ever seen a rhinoceros, but the mystery of the pool is still deep. anyonewho stops by the pool will think about it. if it's 10 am or 4 pm on a sunny day,due to the refraction of the sun, you can also see the seven color rainbowrising from the deep pool through the rain and fog splashed by the impact of thewaterfall, which makes you feel majestic and gorgeous.

why is this waterfall called huangguoshu waterfall instead of otherwaterfalls? according to folklore, there is a tall huangjue tree beside thewaterfall. according to the local accent, jue and guo have the samepronunciation, so people are used to calling it huangguoshu. this is a way ofsaying. there is another saying. it is said that long ago, farmers near thewaterfall liked to grow yellow fruits. there was a large yellow orchard besidethe waterfall, so the waterfall was called huangguoshu waterfall.

compared with other famous waterfalls in the world, huangguoshu waterfallis not as wide, deep and magnificent as victoria waterfall in africa, niagarawaterfall in north america and anher waterfall in venezuela. however,huangguoshu waterfall has its own peculiarities. it is the most popular andspectacular waterfall in karst areas in the world. this waterfall is like astrange magnet. it has a series of magnificent sceneries on the ground,underground, water and water. one of the most amazing places is the cliffcorridor cave hidden half of the waterfall. because of the climbing of vinesoutside the cave and the pearl curtain hanging on the water, it is calledshuilian cave. this is a unique sight that no other waterfall in the worldhas.

ladies and gentlemen, the water curtain cave is 134 meters long. itconsists of six windows, three gudong springs and six passageways. this is thescene of shuiliandong in the large-scale tv series journey to the west adaptedfrom chinese mythology.

this is the first cave window, which is the lowest, only 40 meters awayfrom the water surface of rhinoceros pool, but the cave window is the widest,more than 10 meters wide, located in the middle of the first and secondwaterfalls. when the water is heavy, the two waterfalls connect to form acurtain to seal all the cave windows; when the water is small, it opens againand again, ranging from a few meters to more than 10 meters. min likes a curtainthat can be opened and closed at will.

this is the second window. it's only about 4 meters away from the firstwindow. this is a quiet world, known as crystal palace. it is the heart of thewater curtain cave, 11 meters long, 9 meters high and 3 meters wide. there is aspring beside the road, clear and clean, and the water level is kept at the samelevel for a long time. there are many stalactites hanging on the top of thecave, and there are valuable curly stones on the straw stalactites. there arecountless stone curtains and stone curtains hanging on the wall of the cave.

this is the third hole window. it protrudes outwards, much like a window is 1 meter high and 3 meters long. there is a guardrail rs can reach the waterfall by standing behind the guardrail, so peoplecall it the waterfall platform.

ladies and gentlemen, now we are going to visit the rhinoceros pool see, from the waist down of the rhinoceros, there are successive drops,which are rhinoceros pool, sandaotan, horseshoe beach, youyujing and so these pools, the rhinoceros pool, which is 17.7 meters deep, is the firstone. it is often covered by splashes and submerged by fog. as long as there issunshine, there are colorful rainbows hanging on the splashing beads of thewaterfall, moving with people and unpredictable.

why is huangguoshu waterfall like this? this is because huangguoshuwaterfall is located in karst area, which is caused by the erosion of waterflow. when the traceable erosion point reaches the upstream, the river waterscours, dissolves, erodes and abrades along the karst fissure, and the pipelineexpands gradually, forming the cave and underground river; after the localsurface river is injected into the cave, the proportion of water volumeincreases gradually, forming a unique attack in the karst area, and at the placewhere the open flow is injected into the cave, a cave waterfall is formed. withthe increasing erosion and strategic collapse, the underground river cavesbecome larger and larger, so a series of vertical shafts and skylights aredeveloped along the dry valley of the surface. they are expanding, merging andcollapsing, resulting in the magnificent huangguoshu waterfall and the deep andsteep canyon downstream of the waterfall.

i hope you will hold up your camera, take a picture of huangguoshuwaterfall, keep it in your memory and publicize it to more people, becausehuangguoshu waterfall belongs to china and the world at the same time.


