
格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-01 19:41:49
时间:2023-05-01 19:41:49     小编:zdfb















根据《甘肃省普通高等学校招生考试改革方案(试行)》,结合我省实际,2017 年我省普通高校招生考试英语听力仍在高考之外进行,采取全省统一组织的办法。甘肃省教育科学研究所为此编写了《2017年甘肃省普通高等学校招生英语听力测试大纲》,并制定了命题原则、命题程序及方法。“测试大纲”将是2017年我省普通高等学校招生英语听力考试命题的依据。

































听力理解的语言材料有别于阅读材料,具体表现在:句子短,语言结构不如书面语言那么严谨,且多余信息多(诸如you know, listen, well, i mean, you see等),内容多为贴近学生生活或日常交际生活中的对话或独白,它来源于生活,体现生活,和我们日常生活有密切联系,具有口语特征,诸如犹豫、停顿、重复、思考、重音、略音、拖长音、被打断、语序颠倒等,句子简短等。同时,录音文字材料的语言难度也略低于阅读材料,材料中一般不会出现生词,但个别不影响理解的词汇也有可能出现;选项中能用单词的不用短语,能用短语的不用句子,不用复杂的句子作选项;听力试题不考查语法知识;问题常以特殊疑问句的形式出现,不以一般疑问句的形式出现。












w:you are thinner than you used to be, aren’t you?

1. how much did the woman weigh before she began to lose weight?

a. 165 pounds.

b. 190 pounds.

c. 140 pounds.

m:i’m going to the cinema tonight. would you like to go, rebecca?

are the speakers mainly talking about?

a. watching tv or going to the movies.

b. reading a book or watching tv at home.

c. staying at home or eating out in the evening.

3. why does the woman say going to the movies can be a waste of money?

a. you have to pay for the ticket which is much too expensive.

b. you have no choice as to what movie you’d like to see.

c. you may leave the cinema when you do not like the movie.

w:hilton hotel.




 to 17



4. where is the man from?

a. america.

b. hong kong.

c. europe.

5. when will the man leave the hotel?

a. on sep.11th.

b. on sep. 17th.

c. on sep. 16th.

6. what can you learn from the conversation?

a. the man will have free breakfast or dinner at hotel.

b. the man will stay at hotel for 5 days.

c. the total charge for a single room with bath is 50 dollars a day, including 12 percent service charge.

now, you want to know about life in the past. right? i can tell you. when i was a boy, things were different. i had to get up at six every morning. that was not very bad in summer, but in winter it was cold. and we didn’t have any hot water in the house. we had to wash in cold water. we didn’t have a bathroom. my dad had some chickens. i had to feed them every morning and then i had to walk to school with my little sister. it was two miles to school and two miles back in the evening. but it always seemed longer in the morning when we were going to school. there was a bus, but we didn’t have the money. and we had to go to bed at seven o’clock every night. we couldn’t watch tv because there wasn’t any. on sundays we had to go to church three times --- morning, afternoon and evening. and we couldn’t play outside on sundays. but it wasn’t all bad. we had some good times. we could go out and our parents didn’t have to worry about us. there weren’t so many cars on the roads then, so the streets were safe to play in. and there were not many robbers and thieves in those days. we had to work hard and we weren’t able to buy all those things in the shops today. life was hard, but it was simple and people were happier. i don’t think i’d like to be young today.

7. what did the man have to do in the morning ?

a. he fed the chickens.

b. he cleaned the bathroom.

c. he carried water for the family.

8. why did the man go to school foot ?

a. no bus ran in that direction.

b. the school was near.

c. his family was poor.

9. what did the man do every sunday ?

a. he was taken to church three times.

b. he stayed at home all day.

c. he played in the street.

10. what can we learn from what the speaker said ?

a. he is a retired teacher of history.

b. he thinks children were happier in the past.








例:how much is the shirt?

a. £19.15. b. £9.15. c.£9.18.


1. what are the two speakers talking about?

a. the price. b. the direction. c. the time.

2. what does the woman mean?

a. she will finish the photocopies in no time.

b. she can’t make the photocopies now.

c. she is too busy to make the photocopies.

3. what time does the woman usually get up on weekends?

a. at 9∶00.

b. at 12∶00.

c. at 10∶00.

4. where does the conversation probably take place?

a. at an airport.

b. at a railway station.

c. at a department store.

5. why did the woman fail to go swimming?

a. she was afraid to swim in the deep water.

b. she preferred playing volleyball.

c. the water was cold.



6. how long has the woman been in this area?

a. for a week.

b. for two weeks.

c. for three weeks.

7. what did the woman do yesterday?

a. she saw a movie.

b. she went to the beach.

c. she went shopping.


8. which major does the man like?

a. chemistry.

b. medicine.

c. american literature.

9. who wants the woman to study medicine?

a. the man.

b. the woman’s mother.

c. the woman herself.

10. what does the man suggest the woman do?

a. follow her mother’s advice.

b. write while studying medicine.

c. talk with her mother again.


11. what’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

a. husband and wife.

b. parents and children.

c. teacher and student.

12. what will they buy for anne?

a. a cap.

b. a doll.

c. a book.

13. how many children are mentioned in this dialogue?

a. two.

b. three.

c. four.


14. why was the man late for class?

a. he got up late.

b. he met with a traffic jam.

c. he didn’t catch the bus.

15. what can we know from the dialogue?

a. a car pool owns cars and sends people to work.

b. car pool is the name of a company that helps people hire cars.

c. people who live nearby join a car pool and ride in one car.

16. how does the woman know so much about the car pool?

a. she has joined a car pool.

b. she has read about it in the paper.

c. she works in it.


17. what kind of english lessons does the speaker recommend?

a. listening and speaking.

b. reading and writing.

c. examination skills.

18. how can a learner take the lessons when he is not online?

a. by making conversations.

b. by using the downloaded sound files.

c. by reviewing words, phrases and idioms.

19. what is the greatest advantage of the speaker’s online course?

a. it helps learners to make friends.

b. it offers learners better study methods.

c. it improves learners’ listening and speaking skills quickly.

20. what’s the speaker’s idea about learning english?

a. learning english little by little.

b. having clear learning goals.

c. being confident in learning.






m: hello. international friends club. can i help you?

w: oh, hello. i read about your club in the paper today and i thought i’d phone to find out a bit more.

m: yes, certainly, well, we’re a sort of social club for people from different countries. it’s quite a new club—we have about 50 members at the moment, but we’re growing all the time.



that sounds interesting. i’m british actually, and i came to washington about three months


ago. i’m looking for ways to meet people. er, what kinds of events do you organize?

m: well, we have social get-togethers, and sports, and we also have language evenings.

w: could you tell me something about the language evenings?

m: yes. every day except thursday we have a language evening. people can come and practise

their language—you know, over a drink or something. we have different languages on different

 evenings. monday—spanish; tuesday—italian; wednesday—german; and friday—french.

 on thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come.

w: well, that sounds great. i really need to practise my french.

m: ok. well, if you can just give me your name and address, i’ll send you the form and some more information. if you join now, you can have the first month free.










m:excuse me. can you tell me how much the shirt is?

w:yes, it’s nine pounds fifteen pence.







(text 1)

m: excuse me. does this bus go to zhongshan street?

w: sorry. i’m a stranger here myself. please ask the conductor.



(text 2)

m: can i have five photocopies of this, please? how much is a copy?

w: it’s ten pence a copy, but i’m afraid the machine’s out of order at the moment.



(text 3)

m: let’s go to the park on sunday. what about nine o’clock?

w: er… let’s not go that early. i usually get up at ten on weekends.

m: oh, that isn’t very late. i get up at noon!



(text 4)

m: we’d better hurry. i think that’s our flight.

w: have i got time to get a newspaper?

m: well, i don’t think we have time. look…

w: all right, well, you take that bag, and i’ll take this one.



(text 5)

m: did you go swimming?

w: i wanted to. they said the weather was fine, but the water wasn’t warm enough for that until a couple of months from now.

m: it all sounds nice. i wish i could get away to the beach like that.










(text 6)

m: hi, madam, i have never seen you in this area.

w: i’ve been here for only a week.

m: really? welcome. what have you been doing during this past week?

w: i haven’t done much of anything. i don’t know what i can do here.

m: you can do plenty of things. you can go shopping, go to the beach, or even see a movie.

w: i just did some shopping yesterday.

m: you’ll be familiar with everything here in two or three weeks.

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(text 7)

w: have you chosen your major?

m: yes, you know i always like chemistry. how about you?

w: my mom wants me to study medicine in college. but i don’t like it.

m: then what do you want to study?

w: american literature. i have always wanted to be a famous writer in the future.

m: then tell your mom what you really like. i’m sure she’ll support you.

w: i have tried, but it doesn’t work.

m: then try again. you are a smart girl. i’m sure you’ll make it.

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(text 8)

w: john, do you realize children’s day is only a month away?

m: right, we should think about gifts for children.

w: yes, they have dreamed for long and i don’t want to disappoint them.

m: shall we send them all this year?

w: of course. let’s make a list and then decide what to choose for them.

m: what about a cap for anne? or a doll may be better?

w: she’s getting too grown-up for toys.

m: right, we can choose a book for her.

w: very well. now what about dick?

m: he thinks about nothing but football nowadays.

w: oh, that makes it easy. we can give him a new football, right?

m: that’s an excellent idea. he’ll be quite excited.

w: what about david? he is five years old now.

m: he’s fond of toy cars. perhaps toy trains?

w: good idea. when shall we go shopping for them?

m: what about this afternoon?

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(text 9)

m: i was half an hour late for work today. i hardly got up late, but there is just too much early morning traffic.

w: you’re right. there are too many cars on the road, and the buses are always crowded. more people need a car pool.

m: car pool?

w: yeah, you know a group of people ride to work together in one car.

m: oh! i thought a car pool had something to do with a pool. but it is interesting. anyway, that’s a good idea. could you tell me how to join a car pool?

w: well, there is a special phone number you can tell. you leave a message with your address and phone number and someone calls you back with the names and phone numbers of other people in your area who want a car pool.

m: how do you know so much about this car pool system, nancy?

w: me? i called the number five years ago. car pooling is a great way to go to work.

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(text 10)

hello. my name is john. i’m an english teacher. i have started a website to help you improve english listening and speaking skills as quickly as possible. my online lessons take just 5 to 10 minutes to complete


each day. there are no advertisements to take your attention away. you can download the sound files to your computer and exercise them and take your lessons again anytime. i have designed the online course


a very easy, cheap and quick way to improve your





and conversation

skills and your listening scores in english exams. every day, you will learn some new english vocabulary, idioms and phrasal verbs. and you will feel more confident in working and making friends in english. you’


also learn correct english pronunciation. i always make sure my online lessons are short, interesting and easy to remember. my idea of learning english is that it is best for you to learn a little each day. this idea doesn’t mean a new method but a concept you


 accept, whether you are taking other english classes or not, and no matter what method you use. i can help you to achieve your english learning goals.

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例:how much is the shirt?

a. £19.15. b. £9.15. c. £9.18.


1. what is the man going to do?

a. watch a movie.

b. see a doctor.

c. prepare a meal.

2. how much can the woman save if she buys three shirts?

a. 3 dollars.

b. 6 dollars.

c. 5 dollars.

3. where will the party be held next week?

a. in a cafe.

b. in the school.

c. at mike’s house.

4. how is the man feeling now?

a. worried.

b. disappointed.

c. proud.

5. what’ the probable relationship between the two speakers?

a. doctor and patient.

b. teacher and student.

c. waiter and customer.



6. who got the two tickets for the national women’s volleyball match?

a. alice. b. jack. c. not mentioned.

7. what time are they going to meet at the entrance to the capital stadium?

a. at 6:40. b. at 6:20. c. at 7:20.


8. what are the two speakers talking about?

a. attending a class.

b. decorating a house.

c. renting a flat.

9. why does the man say the flat is fantastic?

a. the rent is cheap.

b. the flat is in good condition.

c. it is close to a school.

10. who might rent the flat?

a. nora by herself.

b. jean and two other girls.

c. the man and two girls.


11. why is it easier for the woman to learn english?

a. she often talks to english people.

b. she speaks two languages already.

c. she always does her homework right after class.

12. which is suggested by the woman as a good way to learn english?

a. reading newspapers.

b. talking to foreigners.

c. both a and b.

13. why is it difficult for the man to learn english?

a. he doesn’t do homework on time.

b. there are no native english speakers around him.

c. he is too shy to speak english.


14. what is the man’s problem?

a. his passport is missing.

b. he can’t find his traveller’s checks.

c. he has lost his credit card.

15. what did the man buy in the department store yesterday?

a. a sports suit.

b. a pair of sunglasses.

c. a pair of trainers.

16. where does this conversation most likely take place?

a. at the office of the boss.

b. at the lost and found.

c. at the police station.


17. who are the main characters of the science fiction book?

a. a group of soldiers. b. a group of sailors. c. two young people.

18. where and when is the romantic book set?

a. in china in the 1920s. b. in china in the 1930s. c. in england in the 1930s.

19. what type of book is the third book?

a. a biography. b. a historical book. c. a sports novel.

20. where could you hear this passage most?

a. at the meeting.

b. in the class.

c. on the radio.





m: hello. international friends club. can i help you?

w: oh, hello. i read about your club in the paper today and i thought i

d phone to find out a bit more.

m: yes, certainly, well, we

re a sort of social club for people from different countries. it

s quite a new club

we have about 50 members at the moment, but we

re growing all the time.

w: that sounds interesting. i

m british actually, and i came to washington about three months ago. i

m looking for ways to meet people. er, what kinds of events do you organize ?

m: well, we have social get-togethers, and sports, and we also have language evenings.

w: could you tell me something about the language evenings ?

m: yes. every day except thursday we have a language evening. people can come and


 their language

you know, over a drink or something. we have different languages on different evenings. monday

spanish; tuesday

italian; wednesday

german; and friday

french. on thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come.

w: well, that sounds great. i really need to practise my french.

m: ok. well, if you can just give me your name and address, i

ll send you the form and some more information. if you join now, you can have the first month free.









m:excuse me. can you tell me how much the shirt is?

w:yes, it’s nine pounds fifteen pence.







(text 1)

m: maggie, i can’t go to the cinema with you today.

w: what’s wrong, tom?

m: i have to make dinner for my family. my mother’s sick.



(text 2)

w:these are very nice shirts. how much are they?

m:5 dollars each. for two, 8 dollars. for three, 9 dollars. they are on sale today.



(text 3)

m: so the party is at mike’s house this weekend, right?

w: yes, but we won’t go to anyone’s house next week.

m: then where will the party be?

w: i’ve booked a cafe near the school.



(text 4)

w: the film is so inspiring. i’ve never seen a better one.

m: i can’t agree any more! and it was made in my hometown, you know.



(text 5)

w: good morning, mr smith. i hope i’m not disturbing you.

m: not at all, mary. come in and take a seat.

w: i want to tell you that i have already started writing my paper, and i’d like to discuss my topic with you.










(text 6)

w: hello, may i speak to jack?

m: hello, this is jack speaking.

w: alice is here. do you have time this evening?

m: i suppose so.

w: i’ve got a couple of tickets for the national women’s volleyball match. would you like to go with me?

m: i’d love to.

w: let’s make it at 6: 20 at the entrance to the capital stadium, ok? the match begins at 6: 40.

m: that’s fine. see you then.

w: see you.

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(text 7)

m: jean, darling, there’s a fantastic flat i heard about going for almost nothing —£50 a week.

w: well, thank goodness for that, i can’t afford too much. tell me something about it. is there anything to be improved?

m: well, it needs redecorating, but i’m sure your artist friend nora could organize that kind of things.

w: what else? is it near a bus stop?

m: about five minutes’ walk. it backs onto the school where alice teaches, so it might be a bit noisy during the day.

w: how many bedrooms?

m: three, so you can rent it with two other girls!

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(text 8)

m: it’s so hard for me to learn english. why is it so easy for you?

w: i didn’t know you were having problems. maybe it’s easier for me because i already speak two languages. but also, i really work at it.

m: well, i always do my homework and go to classes. what else do you think would help?

w: well, you might try reading newspapers. and i always talk to americans when i get a chance, though sometimes it’s hard.

m: but, how do you meet americans? i only know other foreign students.

w: how about sitting next to an american at lunch, or have you ever thought of asking someone over to your house for dinner?

m: those are good ideas, but i’m a little shy to speak english.

w: you won’t learn if you don’t try and speak. if i were you, i’d talk to your english teacher. he might have some good ideas.

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(text 9)

m: excuse me, could you help me?

w: yes. what seems to be the problem?

m: well, i was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport.

w: i’m afraid not. have you lost your passport?

m: i think so. i can’t find it anywhere in my hotel room, and i remember the last place i used it yesterday was in this department store.

w: where exactly did you use your passport in our store?

m: i wanted to buy a pair of sunglasses first, but i couldn’t find a suitable one. then, in the sports department i had to show it to pay for a pair of trainers with my traveller’s checks.

w: well, would you please fill in this lost property report? i’ll keep my eye out for it. those kinds of things usually turn up eventually,but i suggest you contact your embassy and tell them about your situation, so they can issue you a new passport in case it doesn’t show up.

m: ok. do you have a pen?

w:here you are.

m: thank you. oh, i always take good care of my things. i don’t know what happened to me yesterday.

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(text 10)

hello and welcome to book talk. today i’m going to talk about a couple of books you can read during the holidays. i have three suggestions for you this week. first, if you enjoy reading science fiction, there’s an exciting new book by alan cooper called shallow earth. it takes place in the future where earth has almost been destroyed. the main characters are a group of soldiers who are fighting to save the earth from total disaster. if you are in the mood for something romantic, that’s give me shelter, by kathleen wang. it’s a historical novel set in china in the 1930s. two teenagers growing up in shanghai decided to run away together after the families tried to stop them seeing each other. finally that’s jump for the stars, a biography of one of houston rocket’s most popular players tracy mcgrady. find out how he started his nba career, which had the greatest effect on his life, and how he’s made his fortune by doing what he loves. that’s all for book talk this week. see you next week and keep reading!

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