
2017/05/19 11:05:52文/网编3



vt. 废除; 取消 officially end a law, a system or an institution; bring to an end by law; stop






abolish a ban 取消禁令

abolish a constitutional law 废除一项符合宪法的法规

abolish a department 撤销一个机构

abolish a post 撤销一个职位

abolish a system 废除一种制度

abolish child labour 禁雇童工

abolish old rules 取消旧规则

abolish outmoded regulations and irrational practices 革除陈规陋习

abolish poverty 消除贫困

abolish racial discrimination 废除种族歧视

abolish slavery 废除奴隶制度

abolish superstitious practices 取缔迷信活动

abolish tariff barriers 取消关税壁垒

abolish the death penalty 废除死刑

abolish the pensions 取消养老金

abolish the system of exploitation of man by man 消灭人剥削人的制度


abolish completely 完全废除

abolish entirely 全部废除

abolish permanently 永久废除

abolish tyrannically 专横地废除

abolish ultimately 最终废除




The Americans abolished slavery in 1863. 美国于1863年废除奴隶制度。

Do abolish this kind of bad custom.一定要废除这种不好的习俗。

Should we abolish the death penalty 我们应当废止死刑吗

Some students would like to abolish homework.有些学生希望取消家庭作业。

The government abolished the tax on food. 政府取消了食品税。

They abolished a department last year.他们去年撤销了一个部门。

A fog abolished landscape.大雾把风景破坏了。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

Slavery was finally abolished in the U.S.in 1863.美国最终在1863年废除了奴隶制度。

Prohibition was abolished in 1933. 禁酒令于1933年废除。

With the founding of new China all the unequal treaties were abolished. 新中国成立后废除了一切不平等条约。

Corporal punishment must be abolished in trying criminals.审讯犯人时必须废止肉刑。

There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be abolished. 许多不好的习俗和法律应当予以废止。

This tax should be abolished.这种税应该取消。

Taxation should be abolished on lower incomes. 低收入应免予征税。

Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago. 那个国家早就取消了粮食配给制。

This institution must be abolished. 这个机构必须撤销。

If war could be abolished, armies and navies would be unnecessary. 如果能消灭战争,就不再需要陆军和海军了。


abolish, cancel, do away with, omit, repeal


1.从搭配上说:abolish常用于旧的法律、规章、风俗、习惯或社会制度等; cancel常用于契约、合同、特许、约束、义务、个人债务、安排、计划、会议、假期、约会、证书等; do away with常用于去掉某种习惯,免去客套,停止某种活动等; omit一般用于字、词、句等方面; repeal 通常用于法律法规。

2.从意思上说:abolish强调彻底废除; cancel指令其失去效力或取消已有的安排; repeal强调立法机关自己废止或者通过公民投票的方式废止。

3.从用法上说:do away with是不可分性习语; abolish, cancel, omit, repeal都是及物动词,接简单宾语, omit常用于被动语态, cancel有时还可用作不及物动词。


[派生词] abolishable adj. 可以废止的‖abolition n. 废除,废止‖abolitionist n. 主张废除…的人‖abolishment n. 废除

[同义词] abrogate, blot out, cancel, do away with, eliminate, end, eradicate, exterminate, extinguish, put an end to, repeal, repudiate, revoke, set aside, stamp out, terminate, wipe out

[反义词] authorize, continue, create, establish, found, increase, institute, introduce, legalize, promote, revive, renew, repair, restore, support, sustain


学分网小编提示:以上是2017年高考英语必备高频单词:abolish,2017高考英语高频词解析:abolish,2017高考英语必背单词:abolish。学分网所提供的所有考试信息仅供考生及家长参考,敬请考生及家长以 权威部门公布的正式信息为准。






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